Шекспир в Интернете
- Библиотека Просперо
- Информационно-исследовательская база данных «Современники Шекспира: Электронное научное издание»
- Мирослав Мороз. Шекспір в Україні (Бібліографічний покажчик)
- Сонеты Шекспира. Лучшие переводы и материалы
- Тематический сайт «Ромео и Джульетта»
- Уильям Шекспир. Сонеты
- Український Шекспірівський Портал
- У. Шекспир и его сюжеты в мире филателии
- «Шекспировская галерея» | Британская гравюра XVIII–XIX веков. ГМИИ им. А. С. Пушкина
- Шекспировская комиссия при Научном совете «История мировой культуры» РАН
- Шекспировский фестиваль школьных театров на английском языке
- Электронная энциклопедия «Мир Шекспира»
- 66 сонет Шекспира
- Alan Nelson Home Page
- American Shakespeare Repertory
- An Authorship Analysis
- ArdenNet
- Armenian Shakespeare Association
- Asian Shakespeare Association
- Bacon is Shakespeare
- BardBox
- Begging Scholler — блог В. С. Макарова
- Blogging Shakespeare
- Cambridge School Shakespeare
- Canadian Adaptations of Shakespeare Project
- Die Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft (Немецкое шекспировское общество)
- DigitalBard: New Media Approaches to Shakespearean Drama
- Digital Renaissance Editions
- Earl of Oxford.com
- Eight Notes on Shakespeare
- Elizabethan Authors
- Elizabethan Review
- Encyclopaedia Britannica's Guide to Shakespeare
- Exit, Pursued By A Bear (необычные книги по Шекспиру)
- Explore Shakespeare with Google
- Finding Shakespeare | Curating Digital Stories from Shakespeare’s Work, Life, and Times
- First Folio
- Folger Digital Texts
- Folger Shakespeare Library
- Friends of Shakespeare's Church
- Hamlet Guide
- Hamlet Haven: An Online, Annotated Bibliography
- Hamlet Regained
- HyperHamlet
- ImprovEd Shakespeare — Shakespeare for Kids by Kids
- Internet Public Library: Shakespeare Bookshelf
- Internet Shakespeare Editions
- In Your Ear Shakespeare
- "Is Shakespeare Dead?"
- JSTOR Understanding Shakespeare
- KAPRADÍ: Knihovna překladů raného anglického dramatu
- King Lear.Org: The Complete King Lear Site
- Kingston Shakespeare Seminar
- Luminarium
- Memoria di Shakespeare. A Journal of Shakespearean Studies
- MIT Global Shakespeares
- Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet
- Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet. The blog
- My Own Shakespeare (BBC podcast)
- Nikas: другой взгляд
- No Sweat Shakespeare
- Oberon Shakespeare Study Group
- OxPix
- Play Shakespeare.com. The Ultimate Free Shakespeare Resource
- Queen's Men Editions
- Remembering Shakespeare | An Exhibition at Yale University's
- Richard III Society: American Branch
- Shakeosphere (Blaine Greteman's Blog)
- Shakespeare and His Critics
- Shakespeare at eNotes
- Shakespeare at Yale
- Shakespeare at Yale Events
- Shakespeare Authorship Coalition
- Shakespeare Authorship Roundtable
- Shakespeare Authorship Sourcebook
- Shakespeare Authorship Studies Conference
- Shakespeare Birthplace Trust
- Shakespeare by Another Name
- shakespeare.ch (Шекспир в Швейцарии)
- Shakespeare — Comprehensive Site on William Shakespeare
- Shakespeare en España (Шекспир в Испании)
- ShakespeareFlix (Shakespeare Movie Reviews, News, Observations, and Resources)
- Shakespeare Found. A Life Portrait
- Shakespeare Illustrated
- Shakespeare in Education
- Shakespeare Institute Collection ׀ Virtual Manuscript Room
- Shakespeare Lives Here
- Shakespeare Magazine
- Shakespeare Navigators
- Shakespeare on Film
- Shakespeare Online
- Shakespeare on Screen in Francophonia
- Shakespeare Oxford Society
- Shakespeare (spurious and doubtful works) at Project Gutenberg
- Shakespeare sulle scene italiane («Шекспир на итальянской сцене»)
- Shakespeare's Contemporaries
- Shakespeare's England
- Shakespeare's Unorthodox Biography
- Shakespeare's Words
- Shakespeare & Beyond
- Shakespeare300
- SHAKSPER: The Global Electronic Shakespeare Conference
- Sh:in:E — Shakespeare in Europe
- Sir Francis Bacon's New Advancement of Learning
- Stratford Festival
- Stratford-upon-Avon
- The British Shakespeare Association
- The Complete Works of Wiliam Shakespeare (архивированная версия)
- The Complete Works of William Shakespeare // Custom Writing Service Blog
- The De Vere Society of Great Britain
- The Electronic Text Center
- The Monument
- The Oxford Authorship Site
- The Shakespeare Association of America
- The Shakespeare Authorship Page
- The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust
- The Shakespeare Blog
- The Shakespeare Concerts
- The Shakespeare Fellowship
- The Shakespeare Institute Review
- The Shakespeare Library
- The Shakespeare Mystery
- The Shakespeare Programme
- The Shakespeare Quartos Archive
- The Shakespeare Resource Center
- The Shakespeare Society
- The World Shakespeare Bibliography Online
- The Writing Company
- Touchstone: International Shakespeare Associations and Organizations
- Transmedial Shakespeare: Studying Shakespeare beyond His Text
- Treasures In Full. Shakespeare In Quarto
- Understanding Shakespeare
- Victorian Illustrated Shakespeare Archive
- William Shakespeare at eNotes
- William Shakespeare at Project Gutenberg
- William Shakespeare Collection at Bartleby.com
- William Shakespeare. The Complete Works
- Year of Shakespeare